Therapeutic Group
Solutions Producing Osmotic DiuresisIndication Dosage
Mannitol is a medication primarily indicated for its osmotic diuretic properties. It is used in clinical settings to address specific medical conditions and situations, including:
- Cerebral Edema: Mannitol is administered to reduce intracranial pressure in cases of cerebral edema, such as those resulting from traumatic brain injury, intracranial hemorrhage, or brain tumors. By drawing excess fluid out of brain tissues, Mannitol can help alleviate pressure and potentially prevent neurological complications.
- Intraocular Pressure: In ophthalmology, Mannitol may be used to rapidly lower intraocular pressure in conditions like acute angle-closure glaucoma, which is essential in preventing optic nerve damage and preserving vision.
- Oliguria: Mannitol is employed to increase urine output in cases of oliguria (reduced urine production) due to conditions like acute kidney injury, rhabdomyolysis, or certain toxic ingestions. By promoting diuresis, Mannitol can aid in the removal of waste products and maintain renal function.
- Contrast-Induced Nephropathy (CIN) Prophylaxis: Mannitol is occasionally administered prior to contrast-enhanced imaging studies in high-risk patients to reduce the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy, a form of kidney injury associated with the use of contrast agents during medical imaging procedures.
- Toxin Elimination: In some cases of drug or toxin overdose, Mannitol can be used to enhance the elimination of toxic substances from the body by increasing urine flow.
Osmotic Diuretic, For Decompression In Concussion And Cerebral Injury:
By IV Infusion:
- Adults: 50-200 Gm In 24 Hr. The Rate Of Ad-ministration Is Usually Adjusted To Maintain A Urine Flow Of At Least 30 To 50 Ml Per Hr.
- IV Infusion: 10% /15% /20%:
- Mannitol10% /15% /20% W /v In Water For Inj
Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
- Osmotic Diuretic
Contra Indications
- Severe Renal Disease, Dehydration, Active Intra Cranial Bleeding, Severe Pulmonary Oedema.
- Severe Renal Disease, Dehydration, Active Intra Cranial Bleeding, Severe Pulmonary Oedema.
- Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Side Effects
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Headache
- Convulsions
- Dizziness
- Rash
- Electrolyte Balance Disturbances
- Hyponatraemia
- Gi Disturbance
- Polyurea.