Therapeutic Group
Corticosteroids, Systemic UseIndication Dosage
Mild To Moderate Acute Asthma, Severe Or Life-threatening Acute Asthma:
- Adult: 40-50 Mg Daily For At Least 5 Days
- Children 1 Month-11 Years: 1-2 Mg/kg Once Daily (max. Per Dose 40 Mg) For Up To 3 Days, Longer If Necessary; 12-17 Years: 40-50 Mg Daily For At Least 5 Days
Suppression Of Inflammatory And Allergic Disorders:
- Adult: Initially 10-20 Mg Daily In The Morning After Breakfast, which Can Often Be Reduced Within A Few Days But May Need To Be Continued For Several Weeks Or Months; Maintenance 2.5-15 Mg Daily, Higher Doses May Be Needed. In Severe Disorder, Initial Dose May Be Increased Up To 60 Mg Daily.
- Children 1 Month-18 Yrs: Initially 1-2 Mg/kg Once Daily (usual Max 60 Mg Daily), Then Reduced After A Few Days If Appropriate.
By IM Inj:
- Adult: 25-100 Mg 1-2 Times A Week, As Prednisolone Acetate
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura:
- Adult & Children: 1 Mg/kg Daily, Gradually Reduce Dose Over Several Weeks
Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease:
- Adult: Initially 20-40 Mg Daily To Be Taken In The Morning After Breakfast Until Remission Occurs, Followed By Reducing Doses, Higher Up To 60 Mg Daily May Be Used In Some Cases
Neuritic Pain Or Weakness Heralding Rapid Onset Of Permanent Nerve Damage (during Reversal Reactions Multibacillary Leprosy):
- Adult: Initially 40-60 Mg Daily, Dose To Be Instituted At Once
Generalized Myasthenia Gravis:
- Adult: Initially 10 Mg Once Daily On Alternate Days, Then Increased In Steps Of 10 Mg Once Daily On Alternate Days, Increased To 1-1.5 Mg/kg Once Daily On Alternate Days (max. Per Dose 100 Mg), Or Daily, Initially 5 Mg Daily, Increased In Steps Of 5 Mg Daily, Maintenance; 60-80 Mg Daily, Alternatively Maintenance 0.75-1 Mg/kg Daily, Ventilated Patients May Be Started On 1.5 Mg/kg (max. 100 Mg) On Alternate Days
Ocular Myasthenia:
- Adult: Usual Dose 10-40 Mg Once Daily On Alternate Days, Reduce To Minimum Effective Dose
Reduction In Rate Of Joint Destruction In Moderate To Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis:
- Oral: Adult: 7.5 Mg Daily
Polymyalgia Rheumatic:
- Oral: Adult: 10-15 Mg Daily Until Remission Of Disease Activity; Maintenance 7.5-10 Mg Daily,
Reduce Gradually To Maintenance Dose. Giant Cell (temporal) Arteritis:
- Oral: Adult: 40-60 Mg Daily Until Remission Of Disease Activity, The Higher Dose Being Used If Visual Symptoms Occur; Maintenance 7.5-10 Mg Daily, Reduce Gradually To Maintenance Dose.
Polyarteritisnodosa, Polymyositis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:
- Oral: Adult: Initially 60 Mg Daily, To Be Reduced Gradually; Maintenance 10-15 Mg Daily
Anorexia (symptom Control In Palliative Care):
- Oral: Adult: 15-30 Mg Daily
Pneumocystis Pneumonia In Moderate To Severe Infections Associated With Hiv Infection:
- Adult: 50-80 Mg Daily For 5 Days, The Dose Is Then Reduced To Complete 21 Days Of Treatment;
- Children: 2 Mg/kg (max 80 Mg/day) For 5 Days, Then The Dose Is Reduced Over The Next 16 Days And Then Stopped.
Corticosteroid Treatment Should Be Started At The Same Time As The Anti-pneumocystis Therapy Or Not Later Than 24-72 Hours Afterwards. The Corticosteroid Should Be Withdrawn Before Anti-Pneumocystis Treatment Is Complete Multiple Sclerosis:
- Oral: Adult: 200 Mg/day For 1 Week Followed By 80 Mg Every Other Day For 1 Month.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
- Oral: Adult: 5-7.5 Mg Daily;
Adjust Dose As Necessary. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Connective Tissue Disorders And Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:
- Children 1 Month-18 Yrs: Initially 1-2 Mg/kg Once Daily (usual Max 60 Mg Daily), Then Reduced After A Few Days If Appropriate.
Autoimmune Hepatitis:
- Children 1 Month-18 Yrs: Initially 2 Mg/kg Once Daily (max 40 Mg Daily) Then Reduced To Minimum Effective Dose.
Corticosteroid Replacement Therapy:
- Children 12-18 Yrs: 2-2.5 Mg/ Square Meter Daily In 1-2 Divided Doses Adjusted According To Response.
Infantile Spasms:
- Children 1 Month-2 Yrs: Initially 10 Mg 4 Times Daily For 14 Days (if Seizures are Not Controlled After 7 Days Increase To 20 Mg 3 Times Daily For 7 Days), Reduce Dose Gradually Over 15 Days Until Stopped. For patients Taking 40 Mg Daily, Reduce Dose In Steps Of 10 Mg Every 5 Days, Then Stop; for Patients Taking 60 Mg Daily, Reduce the Dose To 40 Mg Daily For 5 Days, Then 20 Mg Daily For 5 Days, then 10 Mg Daily For 5 Days, Then Stop.
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- Children 1 Month-18 Yrs: Initially 60 Mg/square Meter Once Daily (max 80 Mg Daily) For 4-6 weeks until Proteinuria Ceases Then 40mg/square Meter On Alternate Days For 4-6 Weeks, Then Withdraw By Reducing Dose Gradually; Prevention Of-relapse 0.5-1 Mg/kg Once Daily Or On Alternate Days For 3-6 Months.
- Tab 5mg /20mg: Prednisolone 5mg /20mg.
- Syp: Per 5 ml: Prednisolone 15mg.
- Inj: Per Amp: Prednisolone 25mg.
Caution Advised
- Glucocorticoid
Contra Indications
- Systemic Fungal Infections Unless Specific Anti-infective Therapy Is Used, Head Injury, Stroke.
- Systemic Fungal Infections Unless Specific Anti-infective Therapy Is Used, Head Injury, Stroke.
- Caution Advised
Side Effects
- Endocrine Irregularities Including Menstrual Problems
- Cushingoid State
- Adrenal Suppression
- Growth Suppression In Children
- Increased Susceptibility To Infection
- Increased Severity Of Infection
- Fluid/electrolyte Disturbance
- Hypertension
- Negative Protein
- Nitrogen And Calci-um Balance
- Myopathy
- Tendon Rupture
- Osteoporosis
- Osteonecrosis And Fractures
- Impaired Wound Healing
- Sweating
- Hirsutism
- Striae
- Telangiectasia
- Acne
- Gi Disturbance
- Peptic Ulceration
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Candidiasis
- Psychiatric Effects
- Neurological Effects
- Insomnia
- Diabetes
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Weight Gain
- Increased Appetite
- Ocular Disturbances Including Cataracts
- Raised Intraocular Pressure
- Optic Nerve Damage
- Corneal Changes
- Glaucoma
- Thromboembolism
- Leukocytosis.