Generic Name
Papilloma Virus Vaccine (human)
Packs Price
- Inj: 0.5 ml: 1 PFS: 3995.00: 4700.00
Therapeutic Group
Indication Dosage
The Papilloma Virus Vaccine (human), commonly known as the HPV vaccine, is used to protect against certain types of viruses that can cause cancer and warts. It is recommended for boys and girls to prevent cancers of the cervix, throat, and genital areas, as well as to reduce the risk of warts. Getting the vaccine can help keep you healthy and safe from these diseases.
Prevention Of Premalignant Genital Lesions And Cervical Cancer:
By IM Inj:
- Adult & Children Above15 Yrs (Female): 0.5 Ml For 1 Dose, Followed By 0.5 Ml After 1-2.5 Months For 1 Dose, Then 0.5 Ml After 5-12 Months From The First Dose For 1 Dose, Dose To Beadministered Into Deltoid Region, If The Course Is interrupted, It Should Be Resumed (using The Samevaccine) But Not Repeated
- Children 9-14 Yrs (Female): 0.5 Ml For 1 Dose, Followed By0.5 Ml After 5-7 Months For 1 Dose If Second Dose administered Earlier Than 5 Months After The First, Athird Dose Should Be Administered, Dose To Beadministered Into Deltoid Region If The Course Is Interrupted, It Should Be Resumed (using The Same Vaccine) But Not Repeated
- Inj: Virus-like Particles Of The L1 Protein Of Human Papilloma Virus (hpv): Type 16 (20 Mcg), Type 18 (20 Mcg); Pre-Filled Syringe 0.5 ml.
Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Contra Indications
- Acute Severe Febrile Illness, Pregnancy.
- Acute Severe Febrile Illness, Pregnancy.
- Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Side Effects
- Gi Disturbance
- Pyrexia
- Inj Site Reactions (erythema
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bleeding
- Pruritus)
- Headache
- Myalgia
- Arthralgia.