Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid medication prescribed to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system in a variety of conditions. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as allergic reactions, skin disorders, asthma, and inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Additionally, dexamethasone has proven effective in managing severe respiratory symptoms in certain cases, including COVID-19 patients requiring respiratory support
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia:
By IM Or Slow IV INJ or IV infusion or Oral:
Adult: Consult Specialist For Advice On Dosing
Adjunctive Treatment Of Bacterial Meningitis (starting Before Or With First Dose Of Antibacterial):
By IV Inj:
Adult: 8.3 Mg Every 6 Hours For 4 Days
Symptom Control Of Anorexia (in Palliative Care):
Adult: 2-4 Mg Daily
Obstruction Due To Tumour (dysphagia In Palliative Care):
Adult: 8 Mg Daily
Bronchospasm Or Partial Obstruction (dyspnoea In Palliative Care):
Adult: 4-8 Mg Daily
Nausea And Vomiting (adjunct In Palliative Care)
Adult: 8-16 Mg Daily
Headaches Due To Raised Intracranial Pressure (in Palliative Care):
Adult: 16 Mg Daily For 4-5 Days, Then Reduced To 4-6 Mg Daily, Reduce Dose If Possible. To Be Given before 6 pm To Reduce The Risk Of Insomnia
Pain Due To Nerve Compression (in Palliative Care):
Adult: 8 Mg Daily
Cerebral Oedema Associated With Malignancy:
Adult: 0.5-10 Mg Daily
By IV Inj:
Adult: Initially 8.3 Mg For 1 Dose, Then (by IM Injection) 3.3 Mg Every 6 Hours As Required For 2-4 Days, Subsequently, Reduce Dose gradually And Stop Over 5-7 Days, Use The 3.3 Mg/ml Injection Preparation For This Dose
Cerebral Oedema:
By IV Inj:
Adult: initially 8-16 Mg For 1 Dose, Then (by IM Injection Or By IV Injection) 5 Mg Every 6 Hours Until Adequate Response is Achieved Then Taper-off Gradually, Dosage May Be Reduced After 2-4 Days & Gradually Discontinued Over 5-7 Days, Use The 3.8 Mg/ml Injection Preparation For This Dose
Prophylaxis Of Antiemetic:
By IV Inj Or Oral:
Adult: 10-20mg 15-30 Min Before Treatment On Each Treatment Day. Continuous IV infusion Regimen: 10mg Every 12 Hrs On Each Treatment Day.
Mildly Emetogenic Therapy:
Oral: Adult: 4mg Every 4-6 Hrs.
Delayed Nausea Vomiting:
Oral: 4-10mg 1-2 Times/day For 2-4 Days Or 8mg Every 12 Hrs For 2 Days; Then 4mg Every 12 Hrs For 2 Days Or 20mg 1 Hr Before Chemotherapy; Then 10mg 12 Hrs After Chemotherapy; Then 8mg Every 12 Hrs For 4 Doses; Then 4mg Every 12 Hrs For 4 Doses.
Inflammatory & Allergic Disorders:
Children 1 Month To 18 Yrs: 10-100 Mcg/kg Daily In 1-2 Divided Doses, Adjusted According To Response; Up To 300 Mcg/kg Daily May Be Required In Emergency Situations. Byim Or IV Inj Or Infusion:
Children 1 Month-12 Yr: 83-333 Mcg/kg Daily In 1-2 Divided Doses, Max 20mg Daily;
12-18 Yr: Initially 0.4-20mg Daily. By IM Or IV Inj
Oral: Adult: 0.75-10 Mg/day In Divided Doses Every 6-12 Hrs. Intra-articular, Intra-lesional, Or Soft Tissue (as Sodium Phosphate): 0.4-6 Mg/day.
Multiple Myeloma:
By IV Inj Or Oral:
Adult: 40 Mg/day, Days 1 To 4, 9 To 12, & 17 To 20, Repeated Every 4 Weeks (alone Or As Part Of A Regimen).
Extubation Or Airway Oedema:
By IM Or IV Inj:
Adult: 0.5-2 Mg/kg/day In Divided Doses Every 6 hours beginning 24 hours prior To Extubation and continuing For 4-6 Doses Afterwards.
Cushing's Syndrome, Diagnostic:
Adult: 0.5mg Every 6 Hrs For 48 Hrs (with 24-hour Urine Collection For 17-hydroxycorticosteroid Excretion). Differentiation Of Cushing'ssyndrome Due To Acth Excess From Cushing's Due To Other Causes: Dexamethasone 2mg Every 6 Hrs For 48 Hrs (with 24-hr Urine Collection For 17-hydroxy corticosteroid Excretion).
Multiple Sclerosis (acute Exacerbation):
Adult: 30 Mg/day For 1 Week Followed By 4-12 Mg/day For 1 Month.
Physiological Replacement:
By IM or IV Inj Or
Adult: 0.03-0.15 Mg/kg/day Or 0.6-0.75 Mg/square Meter/ Day In Divided Doses Every 6-12 Hrs.
By IV Inj Ororal:
Children 1 Month-18 Yr: 250-500 Mcg/square Meter Every 12 Hr, Adjusted According To Response.
Treatment Of Shock, Addisonian Crisis Or Shock:
By IV Inj:
Adult: 4-10mg As A Single Dose, Which May Be Repeated If Necessary.
Treatment Of Shockunresponsive To Steroid Therapy:
By IV Inj:
Adult: 1-6 Mg/kg As A Single Dose Or Up To 40mg Initially Followed By Repeat Doses Every 2-6 hours while Shock Persists.
Life-threatening Cerebral Oedema:
By IV Inj:
Children 1 Month To 18 Yrs: Under 35 Kg Body-weight, Initially 16.7 Mg, Then 3.3mg Every 3 Hr For 3 Days, Then 3.3mg Every 6 Hr For 1 Day, Then 1.7mg Every 6 Hr For 4 Days, Then Decrease By 0.8mg Daily; Over 35 Kg Body-weight, Initially.20.8 Mg, Then 3.3mg Every 2 Hr For 3 Days, Then 3.3mg Every 4 Hr For 1 Day, Then 3.3mg Every 6 Hr For 4 Days, Then Decrease By 1.7mg Daily.
Bacterial Meningitis:
By IV Inj:
Children 3 Month-18 Yr: 150 Mcg/ Kg (max 10 Mg) Every 6 Hr For 4 Days Starting Before Or With the First Dose Of Antibacterial. Croup:
Children 1 Month To 18 Yr: Single Dose Of Dexamethasone 150 Mcg/kg. For severe Croup (or Mid Croup That Might Cause Complications), a Single Dose Of Dexa-methasone 150 Mcg/kg Can Be Administered By Mouth Before Transfer To the Hospital. In Hospital, Dexamethasone 150 Mcg/kg (by Mouth Or By Injection): The Dose May Be Repeated After 12 hours if Necessary. Note: Dexamethasone 1 Mg Equivalent To Dexamethasone Phosphate 1.2mg Equivalent To Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate I.3mg.