Midazolam is a medication that doctors use to help people relax and feel less anxious before surgeries or medical procedures. It can also be used to treat seizures in emergencies and as a sedative for certain medical tests. So, in simple terms, Midazolam is used to calm nerves, control seizures, and make medical procedures more comfortable.
Conscious Sedation For Procedures:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: Initially 2-2.5 Mg, 5-10 Minutes Before Procedure At A Rate Of approximately 2 Mg/minute, Increased In Steps Of 1 Mgif Required, Usual Total Dose Is 3.5-5 Mg; Maximum7.5 Mg Per Course
Elderly: Initially 0.5-1 Mg,5-10 Minutes Before Procedure At A Rate Of Approximately 2 Mg/minute, Increased In Steps Of0.5-1 Mg If Required; Maximum 3.5 Mg Per Course
Children 1 Month - 6 yrs: Initially 25-50 Mcg/kg, Increased If Necessary In Small Steps, Max Total Dose 6 Mg; Over 2-3 Minutes 5-10 Minutes Before Procedure;
6-12 Yr: Initially 25-50 Mcg/kg, Increased If Necessary In Small Steps, Was Total Dose 10 Mg; Over 2-3 Minutes 5-10 Minutes Before Procedure;
12-18 Yr: Initially 25-50 Mcg/kg, Increased If Necessary In Small Steps, Max Total Dose 7.5 Mg; over 2-3 Minutes 5-10 Minutes Before Procedure
Sedative In Combined Anaesthesia:
By IV Injection:
Adult: 30-100 Mcg/kg, Repeated If Necessary, Alternatively (by Continuous IV infusion)30-100 Mcg/kg/hour
Elderly: Lower Doses Needed
By Deep IM Inj:
Adult: 70-100 Mcg/kg, 20-60 Minutes Before Induction, For Debilitated Patients, Use Elderly Dose
Elderly: 25-50 Mcg/kg, 20-60 Minutes Before Induction
By IV Inj:
Adult: 1-2 Mg, Repeated If Necessary, 5-30 Minutes Before Procedure, For Debilitated Patients, Use Elderly Dose
Elderly: 0.5 Mg, Repeated If Necessary, Initial Dose 5-30 Minutes Before Procedure, Repeatdose Slowly As Required
Children 1 Month-18 Yrs: 500 Mcg-1 Mg, Repeated If Necessary, 15-30 Minutes Before The Procedure
Induction Of Anaesthesia For Minor Surgical Procedures:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: 150-200 Mcg/kg Daily In Divided Doses (max. Per Dose 5 Mg), At Intervals Of2 Minutes, Maximum Total Dose 600 Mcg/kg, For Debilitated Patients, Use Elderly Dose
Elderly: 50-150 Mcg/kg Daily In Divided Doses (max. Per Dose 5 Mg), At Intervals Of 2 Minutes, Maximum Total Dose 600 Mcg/kg
Children 7-18 Yr: Initially 150 Mcg/kg, Max 7.5 Mg, Given In Steps Of 50 Mcg/kg, Was 2.5 Mg, Over 2-5 Minutes; Wait For 2-5 Minutes Then Give Additional Doses Of 50 Mcg/kg, Max 2.5 Mg, Every 2 Minutes If Necessary, Max Total Dose 500 Mcg/kg (not Exceeding 25 Mg).
Sedation Of Patient Receiving Intensive Care:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: Initially 30-300 Mcg/kg, In Steps Of 1-2.5mg Every 2 Minutes, Then (by Slow IV Injection Or By Continuous IV infusion) 30-200 Mcg/kg/hour, Reduce Dose (or Reduce Or Omit Initial Dose) In Hypovolaemia, Vasoconstriction, Or Hypothermia, Lower Doses May Be Adequate If Opioid Analgesic Also Used
By IV Inj Or Continuous IV Infusion:
Neonate: 60 Mcg/kg/hr By Continuous IV infusion, Reduced After 24 Hr To 30 Mcg/kg/hr; Adjusted According To Response, Max Treatment Duration 4 Days;
1-6 Months: 60 Mcg/kg/hr By Continuous IV infusion Adjusted According To Response;
6 Months - 12 Yr: Initially 50-200 Mcg/kg By Slow IV Injection Over At Least 3 Minutes Followed By 30-120 Mcg/kg/hr By Continuous IV infusion Adjusted According To Response;
12-18 Yr: Initially 30-300 Mcg/kg By Slow IV Injection Given In Steps Of 1-2.5 Mg Every 2 Minutes Followed By 30-200 Mcg/kg/hr By Continuous IV infusion Adjusted According To Response.
Confusion And Restlessness In Palliative Care (adjunct To Antipsychotic):
By Sc Infusion:
Adult: Initially 10-20 Mg/24 Hours, Adjusted According To Response; Usual Dose 20-60 Mg/24 Hours