Generic Name
Epoetin Alfa
Packs Price
- Inj 20001U(052247): 1 Vial: 1106.72: 1302.02
Therapeutic Group
Anti-Anemic Preparations (Erythropoietin Products)
Indication Dosage
Epoetin Alfa is a medication that helps your body make more red blood cells. It is used to treat conditions like anaemia, which is when you don't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body's tissues. Epoetin Alfa is often prescribed for people with kidney problems or those undergoing chemotherapy to help them feel better and have more energy.
Symptomatic Anaemia Associated With Chronic Renal Failure In Patients On Haemodialysis:
By IV Inj:
- Adult: Initially 50 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Adjusted In Steps Of 25 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Dose Adjusted According To Response At Intervals Of At Least 4 Weeks; Maintenance 25-100 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, IV Inj To Be Given Over 1-5 Minutes, Reduce Dose By Approximately 25% If Rise In Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 2 G/100ml Over4 Weeks Or If Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds12 G/100 Ml; If Haemoglobin Concentration Continues To Rise, Despite Dose Reduction, Suspend Treatment Until Haemoglobin Concentration Decreases And Then Restart At A Dose Approximately 25% Lower Than The Previous Dose
Symptomatic Anaemia Associated With Chronic Renal Failure In Adults On Peritoneal Dialysis:
By IV Inj:
- Adult: Initially 50 Units/kg Twice Weekly; Maintenance 25-50 Units/kg Twice Weekly, IV Inj To Be Given Over 1-5 Minutes, Reduce Dose By Approximately 25% If Rise In Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 2 G/100ml Over 4 Weeks Or If Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 12 G/100 Ml; If Haemoglobin Concentration Continues To Rise, Despite Dose Reduction, Suspend Treatment Until Haemoglobin Concentration Decreases And Then Restart At A Dose Approximately 25% Lower Than The Previous Dose
Severe Symptomatic Anaemia Of Renal Origin In Adults With Renal Insufficiency Not On Dialysis:
By IV Inj:
- Adult: Initially 50 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Increased Insteps Of 25 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Adjusted According To Response, Dose To Be Increased At Intervals Of At Least4 Weeks; Maintenance 17-33 Units/kg 3 Times A Week(max. Per Dose 200 Units/kg 3 Times A Week), Intravenous Injection To Be Given Over 1-5 Minutes, Reduce Dose By Approximately 25% If Rise In Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 2 G/100ml Over 4 Weeks Or If Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 12 G/100 Ml; If Haemoglobin Concentration Continues To Rise, Despite Dose Reduction, Suspend Treatment Until Haemoglobin Concentration Decreases And Then Restart At A Dose Approximately 25% Lower Than The Previous Dose
Symptomatic Anaemia In Adults Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy:
By Sc Inj:
- Adult: Initially 150 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Alternatively Initially 450 Units/kg Once Weekly, Increased To 300 Units/kg 3 Times A Week, Increased If Appropriate Rise In Haemoglobin (or Reticulocyte Count) Not Achieved After 4 Weeks; Discontinue If Inadequate Response After 4 Weeks At Higher Dose, Subcutaneous Injection Maximum 1ml Per Injection Site, Reduce Dose By Approximately 25-50% If Rise In Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 2 G/100ml Over 4 Weeks Or If Haemoglobin Concentration Exceeds 12 G/100 Ml; If Haemoglobin Concentration Continues To Rise, Despite Dose Reduction, Suspend Treatment Until Haemoglobin Concentration Decreases And Then Restart At A Dose Approximately 25% Lower Than The Previous Dose. Discontinue Approximately 4 Weeks After Ending Chemotherapy
To Increase the Yield Of Autologous Blood In Predonation Programme In Moderate Anaemia Either When a Large Volume Of Blood is Required Or When Sufficient Blood Cannot Be Saved For Elective Major Surgery:
By IV Inj:
- Adult: 600 Units/kg Twice Weekly For 3 Weeks Before Surgery, Consult Product Literature For Details And Advice On Ensuring High Iron Stores, Intravenous Injection To Be Given Over 1-5 Minutes
Moderate Anaemia (haemoglobin Concentration 10-13 G/100 Ml) Before Elective Orthopaedic Surgery In Adults To Reduce Exposure To Allogeneic Blood Transfusion Or If Autologous Transfusion Unavailable:
By Sc Inj:
- Adult: 600 Units/kg Once Weekly For 3 Weeks Before Surgery And On the Day Of Surgery, Alternatively 300 Units/kg Daily For 15 Days Starting 10 Days Before Surgery, Consult Product Literature For Details, Subcutaneous Injection Maximum 1ml Per Injection Site
- Inj 1000 Iu /2000 Iu /3000 Iu /4000 Iu /5000 11.1 /6000 11.1 /8000 Iu /10000 111 /40000 Epoetin Alfa 1000 Iu /2000 Iu /3000 Iu /4000 Iu /5000 Iu /6000 Iu /8000 Iu /10000 Iu /40000 Iu; Phosphate Buffered Solu
Benefits Probably Outweigh Risk Of Anaemia And Of Blood Transfusion In Pregnancy.
- Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
Contra Indications
- Uncontrolled Hypertension. Severe Coronary, Peripheral Arterial, Carotid Or Cerebral Vascular Disease In Patients Scheduled For Major Elective Orthopaedic Surgery And Not Participating In Autologous Blood Donation, Patients Unable To Receive Antithrombin Prophylaxis.
- Uncontrolled Hypertension. Severe Coronary, Peripheral Arterial, Carotid Or Cerebral Vascular Disease In Patients Scheduled For Major Elective Orthopaedic Surgery And Not Participating In Autologous Blood Donation, Patients Unable To Receive Antithrombin Prophylaxis.
- Unlikely to Be Present in Milk. Minimal Effect on Infant..
Side Effects
- Raised Bp
- Headache
- Thrombosis
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Seizures
- Skin Reactions
- Palpebral Oedema. Rarely
- Pure Red Cell Aplasia; Withdraw And Do Not Transfer To Other Erythropoietins.