Generic Name
Packs Price
- Cap 200mg: Pack Size 10's: Rs. 335
- Cap 67mg: Pack Size 30's: Rs. 532
Therapeutic Group
Lipid Modifying Agents
Indication Dosage
Types Ila, Ilb, Ill, Iv, V Hyperlipidaemia, Including Familial Hypercholesterolaemia:
- Adults: Initially 200 Mg Once Daily With Food Or 67 Mg 3 Times Daily.
- Children 4-15 Yrs: One 67 Mg Cap/20 Kg Body-weight, Max 4 Cap Of 67 Mg Or Max 3 Cap Of 67 Mg With Concomitant Statin Daily;
- 15 - 18 Yrs: Initially 3 Cap Of 67 Mg Daily, Increased If Necessary To 4 Cap Of 67 Mg Daily, Max 3 Cap Of 67 Mg Daily With Concomitant Statin.
Severe Hyperlipidaemia:
- Adult: 267 Mg Once Daily With Food.
- Cap 67mg /100mg /134mg /200mg /300mg: Fenofibrate 67mg /100 /134mg /200mg /300mg.
- Tab 67mg /160mg: Fenofibrate 67mg /160mg.
Contraindicated In Pregnancy.
Contra Indications
- Severe Renal Or Hepatic Dysfunction, Gall Bladder Disease, Photoallergy Or Phototoxic Reactions With Fibrates Or Ketoprofen.
- Severe Renal Or Hepatic Dysfunction, Gall Bladder Disease, Photoallergy Or Phototoxic Reactions With Fibrates Or Ketoprofen.
Side Effects
- Hepatitis
- Rhahdomyolysis
- Gi Upset
- Skin Rashes
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Vertigo
- Myalgia
- Gallstones.
- Rare: Sexual Asthenia
- Muscle Toxicity (discontinue)
- Hepatitis
- Alopecia
- Photosensitivity
- Interstitial Pneumopathies.