Adult: 100 Mg Then 300 Mg/day In Divided Doses Every 8 hours or As A Continuous Infusion For 48 Hr; Once the Patient Is Stable Switch To Oral, 50 Mg Every 8 Hr For 6 Doses, Then Taper To 30-50 Mg/ Day In Divided Doses.
Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency:
Adult: 15-25 Mg/day In 2-3 Divided Doses, One-half To Two-thirds Of The Daily Dose In The Morning In Order To Mimic The Physiological Cortisol Secretion Pattern. If The Twice-daily Regimen Is Utilized, The Second Dose Should Be Administered 6-8 hours following The First Dose.
Anti-inflammatory Or Immunosuppressive:
Adult: 15-25 Mg Every 12 Hr.
Status Asthmaticus:
By IV Inj:
Adult: 1-2 Mg/kg/dose Every 6 Hr For 24 Hr, Then Maintenance Of 0.5-1 Mg/kg Every 6 Hr.
Minor Stress (such As Inguinal Herniorrhaphy):
Adult: 25 Mg/day For 1 Day;
Moderate Stress (such As Joint Replacement, Cholecystectomy):
Adult: 50-75 Mg/ Day (25 Mg Every 8-12 Hr) For 1-2 Days;
Major Stress (such As Pancreatoduodenectomy, Oesophagogastrectomy, Cardiac Surgery):
Adult: 100-150 Mg/day (50 Mg Every 8-12 Hr) For 2-3 Days.
Adrenocortical Insufficiency:
By IM Inj Or Slow IV Inj Or Iv Infusion:
Adult: 100-500 Mg 3-4 Times A Day Or When Required
Adrenocortical Insufficiency In Addison's Disease Or Following Adrenalectomy:
Adult: 20-30 Mg Daily In 2 Divided Doses, The Larger Dose To Be Given In The Morning And The Smaller In The Evening, Mimicking The Normal Diurnal Rhythm Of Cortisol Secretion, The Optimum Daily Dose Is Determined On The Basis Of Clinical Response
By IV Inj:
Neonate: Initially 10 Mg By Slow IV Injection Then 100 Mg/ Square Meter Daily By Continuous IV infusion Or In Divided Doses Every 6-8 Hr; Adjusted According To Response; When Stable Reduce Over 4-5 Days To Oral Maintenance Dose;
1 Month-12 Yrs: Initially 2-4 Mg/kg By Slow IV Injection Or Infusion Then 2-4 Mg/kg Every 6 Hr, Adjusted According To Response; When Stable Reduce Over 4-5 Days To Oral Maintenance Dose;
12-18 Yrs: 100 Mg Every 6 To 8 Hr By Slow IV Injection Or Infusion.
Adrenal Hypoplasia, Addison's Disease, Chronic Maintenance Or Replacement Therapy:
Adult: 20-30 Mg Once Daily, Adjusted According To Response, Dose To Be Taken In The Morning; Neonate: 8-10 Mg/ Square Meter Daily In 3 Divided Doses, Higher Doses May Be Needed; 1 Month - 18 Yrs: 8-10mg/ Square Meter Daily In 3 Di-vided Doses; Higher Doses May Be Needed. Give Larger Doses In The Morning And Smaller Doses In The Evening.
Severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
By Slow IV Inj, Or By IV Infusion:
Adult: 100-500 Mg 3-4 Times A Day Or When Required
By Slow IV Inj:
Children 2-18 Yrs: 2.5 Mg/kg (max 100 Mg) Every 6 Hr.
By IV Infusion:
Children 2-18 Yrs: 10 Mg/kg Daily (max 400 Mg Daily).
Thyrotoxic Crisis (thyroid Storm):
By IV Inj:
Adult: 100 Mg Every 6 Hours, To Be Administered As Sodium Succinate
Adrenocortical Insufficiency Resulting From Septic Shock:
By IV Inj:
Adult: 50 Mg Every 6 Hours, Given In Combination With Fludrocortisone
Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions Such As Angioedema Of The Upper Respiratory Tract And Anaphylaxis (adjunct To Adrenaline):
By IV Inj:
Adult: 100-300 Mg, To Be Administered As Sodium Succinate
By IM Or IV Inj:
Children 6 Months: Initially 25 Mg 3 Times Daily, Adjusted According To Response;
6 Months-6 Yrs: Initially 50 Mg 3 Times Daily, Adjusted According To Response;
6-12 Yrs: Initially 100 Mg 3 Times Daily, Adjusted According To Response;
12-18 Yrs: Initially 200 Mg 3 Times Daily, Adjusted According To Response.
Hypotension Resistant To Inotropic Treatment And Volume replacement:
By IV Inj:
Neonate: Initially 2.5 Mg/kg Repeated If Necessary After 4 Hr, Then 2.5 Mg/kg Every 6 Hr For 48 Hr Or Until Blood Pressure Recovers, Then Dose Reduced Gradually Over At Least 48 Hr;
1 Month-18 Yrs: 1 Mg/kg (max 100 Mg) Every 6 Hr.
Rheumatic Disease:
By Intra-articular Inj: (consult Product Literature For Details),
Children 1 Month-12 Yrs: 5-30 Mg According To Size Of Child And Joint;
12-18 Yrs: 5-50 Mg According To Size Of Child And Joint. Where Appropriate May Be Repeated At Intervals Of 21 Days; Not More Than 3 Joints Should Be Treated On Any One Day.
Severe Acute Asthma, Life-threatening Acute Asthma:
By IV Inj:
Children 1 Month-1 Year: 4 Mg/kg Every 6 Hours (max. Per Dose 100 Mg), Alternatively 25 Mg Every 6 Hours Until Conversion To Oral Prednisolone Is Possible, Dose Given, Preferably, As Sodium Succinate;
2-4 Years: 4 Mg/kg Every 6 Hours (max. Per Dose 100 Mg), Alternatively 50 Mg Every 6 Hours Until Conversion To Oral Prednisol One Is Possible, Dose Given, Preferably, As Sodium Succinate;
5-17 Years: 4 Mg/kg Every 6 Hours (max. Per Dose 100 Mg), Alternatively 100 Mg Every 6 Hours Until Conversion To Oral Prednisolone Is Possible, Dose Given, Preferably, As Sodium Succinate
Adult: 100 Mg Every 6 Hours Until Conversion To Oral Prednisolone Is Possible, Dose Given, Preferably, As Sodium Succinate