Generic Name
Betamethasone, Eye, Ear And Nasal
Packs Price
- Drop 0.1 %(020192): 10 ml: 40.37 34.31
Therapeutic Group
Anti-inflammatory Agents, Corticosteroids
Indication Dosage
Non-infected Inflammatory Conditions Of the eye:
- Adults & Children: 1 Or 2 Drops One Or Two Hourly Or 0.5 Cm Ointment Two Or Three Times Daily And/or At Night
Non-infected Inflammatory Conditions of the ear:
- Adults & Children: 2 Or 3 Drops Two Or Three Hourly.
Non-infected Inflammatory Conditions Of Nose:
- Adults & Children: 2-3 Drops In Each Nostril Two Or Three Times Daily
- Eye / Ear / Nose Drop Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate 0.1% W /v.
- Eye Oint: Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate 0.1% W /w
Avoid Unless Essential
Contra Indications
- Viral, Fungal, Tuberculous Or Purulent Infections Dendritic Ulcer, Glaucoma (in Use Of Eye Drop), Perfo-rated Ear Drum (in Use Of Ear Drop)
- Viral, Fungal, Tuberculous Or Purulent Infections Dendritic Ulcer, Glaucoma (in Use Of Eye Drop), Perfo-rated Ear Drum (in Use Of Ear Drop)
Side Effects
- Corneal Thinning
- Cataract
- Rise In Infra-ocular Pressure