Generic Name
Ketorolac Tromethamine (ketorolac Trometamol)
Packs Price
- Inj 30 mg (025295): 10 Ampx1 ml: 567.00: 630.00
Therapeutic Group
Other Analgesics And Anti-pyretics
Indication Dosage
Short-term Management Of Moderate To Severe Post-operative Pain:
By IM Or IV Inj:
- Adults & Children 16 Yr: Single Dose: 60 Mg Im Or 30 Mg Iv. Multiple Dose: 30 Mg Iv/im Every 6 Hr. Max: 120 Mg/day For 2 Days.
- Adult 65 Yr Or < 50 Kg: Single Dose: 30 Mg Im Or 15 Mg Iv. Multiple Dose: 15 Mg Iv/im Every 6 Hr. Max: 60 Mg/day For 2 Days.
- Inj 10mg: Per ml Amp: Ketorolac Trometamol 10mg; Solution.
- Inj 30mg: Per ml Amp: Ketorolac Trometamol 30mg; Solution.
Caution Advised, Avoid
Contra Indications
- Coagulation Disorders, Asthma, Renal Impairment, Hypovolaemia, Dehydration, Nasal Polyps, Angioedema, Peptic Ulcer, Gi Or Cerebrovascular Bleeding, Haemorrhagic Diathesis, Aspirin/anti-inflammatory Induced Allergies, High Risk Of Surgically-induced Haemorrhage.
- Coagulation Disorders, Asthma, Renal Impairment, Hypovolaemia, Dehydration, Nasal Polyps, Angioedema, Peptic Ulcer, Gi Or Cerebrovascular Bleeding, Haemorrhagic Diathesis, Aspirin/anti-inflammatory Induced Allergies, High Risk Of Surgically-induced Haemorrhage.
- Contraindicated or Not Recommended.
Side Effects
- Abnormal Liver Function Tests
- Gi Disturbances
- Ulcers
- Bleeding Wound
- Haemorrhage
- Drowsiness
- Acute Renal Failure
- Oedema
- Bronchospasm
- Anaphylaxis
- Pain At Infection Site.