Adult: 960 Mg Every 12 Hours, Increased To 1.44 G Every12 Hours, Increased Dose Used In Severe Infection
Treatment Of Pneumocystis Jirovecii (pneumocystis Carinii) Infections:
Oral Or By IV Infusion:
Adult: 120 Mg/kg Daily In 2-4 Divided Doses For 14-21 Days. Prophylaxis: 960 Mg Once Daily (oral), Reduced If Not Tolerated To 480 Mg Once Daily, Alternatively 960 Mg Once Daily On Alternate Days, 3 Times Weekly
Children: 120 Mg/kg Daily In 2-4 Divided Doses For 14-21 Days, Oral Route Preferred For Children. Prophylaxis: 450 Mg/m2 Twice Daily (max. Per Dose 960 Mg Twice Daily) For 3 Days Of The Week (either Consecutively Or On Alternate Days)