Vitamin K
Generic Name
Packs Price
- Inj: 10 mg: 10 Ampx1 ml: 50.00: 58.82
Drugs Inn
Therapeutic Group
Indication Dosage
Phytomenadione, also known as vitamin K1, is used to treat and prevent bleeding problems. It's especially helpful for people who have trouble with blood clotting due to a deficiency of vitamin K. This medication helps your blood to clot properly, which is essential for stopping bleeding from cuts and injuries. It's also used in certain medical conditions and treatments where blood clotting needs to be controlled or improved. Always take it as directed by your healthcare provider.
Hemorrhage Associated With Hypoprothrombinae-mia, hypoprothrom Binaemia, Vitamin K Deficiency:
Oral Or By Sc Or IV Inj:
- Adults: Initially, 2.6-25 Mg, Rarely Up To 50 Mg.
Neonatal Prophylaxis Ofvitamin-k Deficiency Bleeding:
- By IM Inj: 1 Mg By Single Injection At Birth. For Preterm Neonates: 400 Micrograms/kg (max 1mg) May Be Given By IV if Im Not Possible; Since IV administration May Not Provide The Prolonged Protection Of The IM Injection, Vitamin K Should Be Given By Oral Doses. For Babies Not At Risk Of Bleeding Disorders: Orally Two Doses Of A Colloidal Preparation Of Phytomenadione 2mg Should Be Given In The First Wk, The First Dose Being Given At Birth And The Second At 47 Days. For Exclusively Breast-fed Babies, A Third Dose Of Phytomenadione 2 Mg Is Given At 1 Month Of Age. Alternatively, One Dose Of 1 Mg By Mouthat Birth To Protect From The Risk Of Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding In The First Wk. For Exclusively Breast-fed Babies, Further Doses Of Phytomenadione 1 Mg Are Given Orally At Weekly Intervals For 12 Weeks.
Neonatal Hypoprothrombinaemia Or Vitamin-k Deficiency Bleeding:
By IV Inj:
- Neonate: 1 Mg Repeated 8 Hourly If Necessary.
Neonatal Biliary Atresia And Liver Disease:
Reversal Of Coumarin Anticoagulation When Continued Anticoagulation Required Or If No Significant Bleeding:
By IV Inj:
- Children 1 month - 18 Yrs: 15-30 Mcg/kg (max 1 Mg) As A Single Dose, Repeated As Necessary.
Reversal Of Coumarin Anticoagulation When Anticoagulation Not Required Or If Significant Bleeding; Treatment Of Haemorrhage Associated With Vitamin-k Deficiency:
By IV Inj:
- 1 Month-18 Yrs: 250-300 Mcg/kg (max 10 Mg) As A Single Dose.
- Inj Per ml: 10mg (2mg /0.2 ml) In Mixed Micelles; Amp. Drops 2%: Vitamin K 2%; 2.5 ml.
- Tab: Vitamin K 10mg.
Caution Advised
Contra Indications
Side Effects
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Jaundice
- Anaphylactoid Reactions May Occur With Inj. Flushes
- Sweating
- Cyanosis. Haemolytic Anaemia Has Been Reported Rarely In Neonates Following Large Doses.