Quinine is a medication primarily indicated for the treatment of malaria, a serious and potentially life-threatening mosquito-borne infection. It works by interfering with the growth and reproduction of the malaria parasite in the body, helping to alleviate symptoms and prevent the spread of the disease. Additionally, quinine may be used in certain cases to manage muscle cramps or spasms, particularly those associated with conditions like nocturnal leg cramps.
Treatment Of Chloroquine-resistant malaria:
Adult: 650 Mg(quinine Sulphate) Every 8 Hr For 3-7 Days With Tetracycline.
Children 8 Yr: 25-30 Mg/kg/day (quinine Sulphate) In Divided Doses Every 8 Hr For 3-7 Days With Tetracycline. Below 8 Yr: Consider Risk Versus Benefit.
Suppression Of Malaria:
Adult: 325 Mg (quinine Sulphate) Twice Daily And Continued For 6 Weeks After Exposure.
Treatment Of Falciparum Malaria:
By IV Infusion:
Adult: Loading Dose 20 Mg/kg (quinine Dihydrochloride Or Hydrochloride), Up To Max 1.4 Gm Infused Over 4 Hr, Then 8 Hr After The Start Of The Loading Dose; Maintenance Dose Of 10 Mg/kg (up To Max 700 Mg) Of Quinine Salt Infused Over 4 Hr Every 8 Hr (till Patient Can Swallow Tablets To Complete The 7 Day Course Together With Or Followed By Doxycycline 200 Mg Once Daily For 7 Days).
Treatment Of Malaria Caused By Plasmodium Vivax/p. Ovale/p. Malaria:
By IV Infusion:
Adults & Children: 10 Mg/kg (quinine Dihydrochloride Or Hydrochloride), Up To Max 700 Mg Infused Over 4 Hr, Every 8 Hrs Witch To Oral Chloroquine As Soon As Patient's Condition Permits.
Inj: Per ml: Quinine Dihydrochloride 300mg; 1 ml, 2 ml Amp.
Tab: Quinine Sulphate 300mg.
Tab: Quinine Bisulphate 300mg.
Note: Quinine (anhydrous Base) 100mg Equiv To Quinine Sulphate