Serious Gram-negative Infections Resistant To Gentamicin Including, Bone & Joint Infections, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, Septicemia And Meningitis:
By IM Inj, Or By Slow IV Inj, Or By IV Infusion:
Adult: 15 Mg/kg Daily In 2 Divided Doses, Increased To22.5 Mg/kg Daily In 3 Divided Doses For Up To 10 Days, Higher Dose To Be Used In Severe Infections; Maximum1.5 G Per Day; Maximum 15 G Per Course
Children: Neonates: Initially 10 Mg/kg Then 15 Mg/kg Daily In Two Divided Doses; Others Same As Adults.
By IV Infusion:
Adult: Initially 15 Mg/kg (max. Per Dose 1.5 G Once Daily), Dose To Be Adjusted According To Serum-amikacin Concentration; Maximum 15 G Per Course