Modlip Z
Generic Name
Simvastatin And Ezetimibe
Packs Price
- Tab 10/10 mg(049986): 10: 119.00: 140.00
- Tab 20/10 mg(049987): 10: 170.00: 200.00
Therapeutic Group
Lipid Modifying Agents
Indication Dosage
Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, Primary Hypercholesterolaemia, And Mixed Hyperlipidaemia In Patients Stabilised On The Individual Components In The Same Proportions, Or For Patients Not adequately Controlled By Statin Alone:
- Adults: 1 Tab Of 10/20 Mg As a Single Dose In the Evening. Adjust At Minimum 4 Wk Intervals According To Response, Max 10 Mg Ezetimibe And 80 Mg Simvastatin Daily.
- Children: Not Recommended.
- Tab 10 /10mg: Simvastatin 10mg, Ezetimibe 10mg.
- Tab 20 /10mg: Simvastatin 20mg, Ezetimibe 10mg.
- Tab 40 /10mg: Simvastatin 40mg, Ezetimibe 10mg.
- Tab 80 /10mg: Simvastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe 10mg.
Contraindicated In Pregnancy.
- Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor
- Statin
Contra Indications
- Active Liver Disease, Moderate Or Severe Liver Impairment.
- Active Liver Disease, Moderate Or Severe Liver Impairment.
Side Effects
- Headache
- Flatulence
- Myalgia
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhoea
- Fatigue.