Generic Name
Tranexamic Acid
Packs Price
- Inj 250 mg (057228): 1 Ampx5 ml: 12.75: 15.00
- Inj 250 mg (057228): 10 Ampx5 ml: 127.50: 150.00
Therapeutic Group
Indication Dosage
Tranexamic Acid is a medication used to stop or reduce excessive bleeding in various situations. It can be helpful for:
- Menstrual Bleeding: It's used to treat heavy menstrual periods, making them more manageable.
- Surgeries: Doctors use it during surgeries to reduce bleeding, especially in procedures like orthopedic surgeries, heart surgeries, and dental extractions.
- Trauma and Injuries: Tranexamic Acid can be given to people with traumatic injuries to control bleeding.
- Nosebleeds: It's also used in some cases to stop nosebleeds that are hard to control.
Local Fibrinolysis To Prevent Bleeding:
- Adults: 15-25 Mg/kg Body Weight Two - Three Times Daily.
By Slow IV Inj:
- 0.5-1 Gm Slow IV Injection 3 Times Daily.
- Adult: 1-1.5 Gm 3-4 Times Daily, Initiated When Heavy Bleeding Started, For 3-4 Days.
Hereditary Angioedema:
- Adult: 1-1.5 Gm 2-3 Times Daily.
General Fibrinolysis:
- Adult: 1 Gm (or 15 Mg/kg)every 6-8 Hr.
Inhibition Of Fibrinolysis, Hereditary Angioedema:
- Children 1 Mth-18 Yr: 15-25mg/kg (max 1.5 Gm) 2-3 Times Daily.
By IV Inj:
- Children 1-18 Yr: 10 Mg/kg (max 1 G,) 2-3 times Daily IV Injection Over At Least 10minutes.
By Continuous IV Infusion:
- Adult: 45 Mg/kg Over 24 Hr.
- Not Recommended For Children Below 1 Year Of Age.
Prevention Of Excessive Bleeding After Dental Procedures (in haemophiliac):
By IV Inj:
- Pre-operatively, Children 6-18 Yrs: 10 Mg/kg (max 1.5 Gm).
- Pre-Operatively, Children 6-18 Yrs: 15-25 Mg/kg (max 1.5 Gm).
- Postoperatively, Children 6-18 Yr: 15-25 Mg/kg (max 1.5 Gm) 2-3 Times Daily Forup To 8 Days.
- Tab /Cap 250mg /500mg: Tranexamic Acid 250mg /500mg.
- Inj 100mg /250mg /500mg Per ml: Tranexamic Acid 100mg /250mg /500mg
Caution Advised, Avoid
Contra Indications
- Thromboembolism, Renal Disease, Color Blindness, Haematuria.
- Thromboembolism, Renal Disease, Color Blindness, Haematuria.
Side Effects
- Renal Failure
- Myopathy
- Intracranial Thrombosis
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Purpura
- Colour Vision Disturbances (discontinue) Giddiness On Rapid Iv Injection.