Induction or Augmentation of Labor: Oxytocin is used to initiate or strengthen uterine contractions during labor, helping to facilitate childbirth.
Postpartum Hemorrhage: Oxytocin can be administered to prevent or manage excessive bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage).
Stimulation of Milk Ejection: Oxytocin may be prescribed to enhance milk letdown in breastfeeding mothers, promoting the release of breast milk.
Induction Of Labour, Stimulation Of Labour In Hypotonic Uterine Inertia:
By IV Infusion:
Adult: Initially 0.001-0.004 Units/minute, Not To Be Started For 6 Hours After Administration Of Vaginal Prostaglandin, Dose Increased At Intervals Of 30 Minutes Until A Maximum Of 3-4 Contractions Occur Every 10 Minutes (0.01 Units/minute Is Often Adequate) Up To Max; 0.02 Units/minute, If Regular Contractions Not Established After A Total 5 Units, Stop Induction Attempt (may Be Repeated Next Day Starting Again At 0.001-0.004 Units/minute)
Cesarean Section:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: 5 Units Immediately After Delivery
Prevention Of Postpartum Haemorrhage After Delivery Of Placenta:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: 5 Units, If Infusion was Previously Used For Induction Or Enhancement Of Labour, Increase the Rate During the Third Stage And For the Next Few Hours
By IM Inj:
Adult: 10 Units, Can Be Used Instead Of Oxytocin With Ergometrine
Treatment Of Postpartum Haemorrhage:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: 5 Units, Repeated If Necessary
Treatment Of Severe Cases Of Postpartum Haemorrhage (following IV Injection): Byiv Infusion:
Adult: 40 Units, Given In 500ml Infusion Fluid At A Rate Sufficient To Control Uterine Atony
Incomplete, Inevitable, Or Missed Miscarriage:
By Slow IV Inj:
Adult: 5 Units, Followed By (IV Infusion) 0.02-0.04 Unit/minute If Required, At Faster Rate Of Infusion If Necessary
Inj 5 Iu /10 Iu: Per ml: Synthetic Oxytocin 5 Iu /10 Iu.
Inj 2 Iu: Per 2 ml: Synthetic Oxytocin 2 Iu.
Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Contra Indications
Condition Where Spontaneous
Labouror Vaginal Delivery Inadvisable, Avoid Iv Injection During Labour, Avoid Prolonged Administration In Oxytocin-resistant Uterine Inertia, Avoid Rapid Iv Injection (may Transiently Reduce Blood Pressure), Fetal Distress (discontinue Immediately), Hypertonicuterine Contractions (discontinue Immediately), Severe Cardiovascular Disease, Severe Preeclamptic Toxaemia
Condition Where Spontaneous
Labouror Vaginal Delivery Inadvisable, Avoid Iv Injection During Labour, Avoid Prolonged Administration In Oxytocin-resistant Uterine Inertia, Avoid Rapid Iv Injection (may Transiently Reduce Blood Pressure), Fetal Distress (discontinue Immediately), Hypertonicuterine Contractions (discontinue Immediately), Severe Cardiovascular Disease, Severe Preeclamptic Toxaemia
Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Side Effects
Rare: Anaphylactoid Reactions; Dyspnoea
Or Shock
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Hyponatraemia Associated With High Doses With Large Infusion Volumes Of Electrolyte-free Fluid
Uterine Hyperstimulation With Excessive Doses; May Cause Fetal Distress
And Death
Or May Lead To Hypertonicity
Tetanic Contractions
Soft-tissue Damage Or Uterine Rupture
Uterine Spasm (may Occur At Low Doses)
Water Intoxication Associated With High Doses With Large Infusion Volumes Of Electrolyte-free Fluid. Placental Abruption And Amniotic Fluid Embolism Reported On Overdose.