Generic Name
Packs Price
- Inj 5 IU (001582): 50
- Amp565.66: 665.49
- Inj 5 IU: 100
- Amps/ml: 1.074.76: 1.264.43
- Inj 5 IU: 10 Amps/ml: 113.13: 133.10
- Inj 5 IU: 5 Amps/ml: 66.55 56.57
Therapeutic Group
Indication Dosage
Oxytocin is indicated for the following purposes:
- Induction or Augmentation of Labor: Oxytocin is used to initiate or strengthen uterine contractions during labor, helping to facilitate childbirth.
- Postpartum Hemorrhage: Oxytocin can be administered to prevent or manage excessive bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage).
- Stimulation of Milk Ejection: Oxytocin may be prescribed to enhance milk letdown in breastfeeding mothers, promoting the release of breast milk.
Induction Of Labour, Stimulation Of Labour In Hypotonic Uterine Inertia:
By IV Infusion:
- Adult: Initially 0.001-0.004 Units/minute, Not To Be Started For 6 Hours After Administration Of Vaginal Prostaglandin, Dose Increased At Intervals Of 30 Minutes Until A Maximum Of 3-4 Contractions Occur Every 10 Minutes (0.01 Units/minute Is Often Adequate) Up To Max; 0.02 Units/minute, If Regular Contractions Not Established After A Total 5 Units, Stop Induction Attempt (may Be Repeated Next Day Starting Again At 0.001-0.004 Units/minute)
Cesarean Section:
By Slow IV Inj:
- Adult: 5 Units Immediately After Delivery
Prevention Of Postpartum Haemorrhage After Delivery Of Placenta:
By Slow IV Inj:
- Adult: 5 Units, If Infusion was Previously Used For Induction Or Enhancement Of Labour, Increase the Rate During the Third Stage And For the Next Few Hours
By IM Inj:
- Adult: 10 Units, Can Be Used Instead Of Oxytocin With Ergometrine
Treatment Of Postpartum Haemorrhage:
By Slow IV Inj:
- Adult: 5 Units, Repeated If Necessary
Treatment Of Severe Cases Of Postpartum Haemorrhage (following IV Injection): Byiv Infusion:
- Adult: 40 Units, Given In 500ml Infusion Fluid At A Rate Sufficient To Control Uterine Atony
Incomplete, Inevitable, Or Missed Miscarriage:
By Slow IV Inj:
- Adult: 5 Units, Followed By (IV Infusion) 0.02-0.04 Unit/minute If Required, At Faster Rate Of Infusion If Necessary
- Inj 5 Iu /10 Iu: Per ml: Synthetic Oxytocin 5 Iu /10 Iu.
- Inj 2 Iu: Per 2 ml: Synthetic Oxytocin 2 Iu.
Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Contra Indications
- Condition Where Spontaneous
Labouror Vaginal Delivery Inadvisable, Avoid Iv Injection During Labour, Avoid Prolonged Administration In Oxytocin-resistant Uterine Inertia, Avoid Rapid Iv Injection (may Transiently Reduce Blood Pressure), Fetal Distress (discontinue Immediately), Hypertonicuterine Contractions (discontinue Immediately), Severe Cardiovascular Disease, Severe Preeclamptic Toxaemia
- Condition Where Spontaneous
Labouror Vaginal Delivery Inadvisable, Avoid Iv Injection During Labour, Avoid Prolonged Administration In Oxytocin-resistant Uterine Inertia, Avoid Rapid Iv Injection (may Transiently Reduce Blood Pressure), Fetal Distress (discontinue Immediately), Hypertonicuterine Contractions (discontinue Immediately), Severe Cardiovascular Disease, Severe Preeclamptic Toxaemia
- Consult with Doctor Or Caution Advised
Side Effects
- Arrhythmia
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomitin
- Rare: Anaphylactoid Reactions; Dyspnoea
- Hypotension
- Or Shock
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
- Hyponatraemia Associated With High Doses With Large Infusion Volumes Of Electrolyte-free Fluid
- Rash
- Uterine Hyperstimulation With Excessive Doses; May Cause Fetal Distress
- Asphyxia
- And Death
- Or May Lead To Hypertonicity
- Tetanic Contractions
- Soft-tissue Damage Or Uterine Rupture
- Uterine Spasm (may Occur At Low Doses)
- Water Intoxication Associated With High Doses With Large Infusion Volumes Of Electrolyte-free Fluid. Placental Abruption And Amniotic Fluid Embolism Reported On Overdose.