Neuromuscular Blockade (short To Intermediate Duration) For Surgery And Wide Range Of Procedures, To Facilitate Controlled Ventilation And Endotracheal Intubation:
By IV Inj:
Adult: Initially 300-600 Mcg/kg, Then (by IV Injection) 100-200 Mcg/kg As Required, This Dosage Provides Relaxation For 15-35 Min. Full Block Can Be Prolonged With Supplementary Doses Of 0.1-0.2 Mg/kg As Required. Endotracheal Intubation Can Usually Be Accomplished Within 90 Sec From The IV Inj Of 0.5-0.6 Mg/kg. As An Infusion: After An Initial Bolus Dose Of 0.3-0.6 Mg/kg Neuromuscular Block Can Be Maintained By Administration As A Continuous Infusion At Rates Of 0.3-0.6, Mg/kg/hr
Children Neonate: Initially By IV Injection 300-500 Mcg/kg Followed Either By IV Injection, 100-200 Mcg/kg Repeated As Necessary Or By IV Infusion, 300-400 Mcg/kg/hr Adjusted According To Response
1 Month-18 Yr: Initially By IV Injection 300-600 Mcg/kg Then 100-200 Mcg /kg Repeated As Necessary Or Initially By IV Injection 300-600 Mcg/kg Followed By IV Infusion, 300-600 Mcg/kg/hr Adjusted According To Response.
Children Neonate: Initially By IV Injection 300-500 Mcg/kg Followed Either By IV Injection, 100-200 Mcg /kg Repeated As Necessary Or By IV Infusion, 300-400 Mcg/kg/hr Adjusted According To Response; Higher Doses May Be Necessary.
1 Month-18 Yr: Initially By IV Injection 300-600 Mcg/kg (optional) Then By IV Infusion, 270-1770 Mcg/kg/hr (usual Dose 650-780 Mcg/kg/ Hr).
Inj: Per ml: Atracurium Besylate 10mg.
Caution Advised
Non-depolarising Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs
Contra Indications
Atracurium Besylate Hypersensitivity.
Atracurium Besylate Hypersensitivity.
Caution Advised
Side Effects
Anaphylactoid Reactions (rare)
Acute Myopathy (after Prolonged Use In Intensive Care)